Clinical Significance
- Karkatashringi is Vatahara, Tikta-Kashaya Rasa, Laghu-Rooksha Guna, Usha Veerya, and Katu Vipaka, relieves congestion and helps in easy respiration. Vatahara property regulates the gati of Prana Vayu as well as Vatagati overall. Vasa, Bharangi act on Pranavaha Srotas relieving the mucus accumulation by Kaphanissaraka action, Shwasa-Kasahara action facilitates breathing by Sampraptivighatana. Somalata, Kantakari and Apamarga are Rasayana, Shwasahara and Kaphavatahara. Shleshmantaka due to Kaphahara expels the Kapha, Vatahara acts upon Pranavaha Srotas. Jufa is Kaphavatahara, Shothaghna, and Lekhana which clarifies the Srotas and eases the breathing.
- Hamsapadi is Rasayana and Kaphapittashamaka, hence strengthens the respiratory system. Khatmi is Vatapittahara and effective in Pratishyaya, Kasa. Banapsa is Vatapittahara and is indicated in Kasa, Shwasa and Shotha. Other drugs act as Srotoshodhaka, dilate the channel and facilitate easy breathing. Rasayana action of the drugs facilitates the respiration process by strengthening the Srotas and regulating the proper mechanism.
- Karkatashringi is Vatahara, Tikta-Kashaya Rasa, Laghu-Rooksha Guna, Usha Veerya, and Katu Vipaka, relieves congestion and helps in easy respiration. Vatahara property regulates the gati of Prana Vayu as well as Vatagati overall. Vasa, Bharangi act on Pranavaha Srotas relieving the mucus accumulation by Kaphanissaraka action, Shwasa-Kasahara action facilitates breathing by Sampraptivighatana. Somalata, Kantakari and Apamarga are Rasayana, Shwasahara and Kaphavatahara. Shleshmantaka due to Kaphahara expels the Kapha, Vatahara acts upon Pranavaha Srotas. Jufa is Kaphavatahara, Shothaghna, and Lekhana which clarifies the Srotas and eases the breathing. Hamsapadi is Rasayana and Kaphapittashamaka, hence strengthens the respiratory system. Khatmi is Vatapittahara and effective in Pratishyaya, Kasa. Banapsa is Vatapittahara and is indicated in Kasa, Shwasa and Shotha. Other drugs act as Srotoshodhaka, dilate the channel and facilitate easy breathing. Rasayana action of the drugs facilitates the respiration process by strengthening the Srotas and regulating the proper mechanism.