Clinical Significance
- Entire health depends on the health of the liver. It is the most vital gland of the body.All other major glands depend upon the functions of this major gland Liver.
- This secretory gland gets diseased in saturated conditions and is active and disease free in the secretory phase. Liver as an organ is developed from blood in the embryonic development and gets affected with the blood impurities.
- Haritaki, Bibhitaki,Amalaki and Kutaki are Digestive,Appetizer and laxative in nature and enhance liver functions.
- The Phytochemicals of Kiratatkikta, Nimba and Vasa in Divaliv are Blood Purifiers, Liver Protective and helpful in Bleeding Disorders.
- Bibhitak, Kiratatikta, Kutaki boosts the secretions of bile.
- Maka, Bhumiamalaki, Kiratatikta are known for their Anti Hepatitis B virus activities, Liver inflammation, Liver enlargement and Anticancer properties. Amruta, Punarnava and all other herbs in Divaliv are rich in antioxidants. All the phyto elements in the formulation are ‘Sar’ Guna, ‘Tikta’ Ras and ‘Akash’Vayu Mahabhuta pradhan.These properties in Divaliv promotes movements in the liver to evacuate Hepatotoxins, Free Radicals and other saturations to make it disease free and active.