Rakta Doshantak

SKU APHLIQ300P003 Category


  • Removes the toxins & free radicals caused in progressive diseases due to medications.
  • Skin pigmentation, Periorbital darkness (Dark circles).
  • Abscesses and other skin diseases, Acne, Vulgaris (pimples), Furunculosis, Folliculitis, Boils.
300 ML

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Raktadoshantak: The Original Blood purifier, is a unique internal remedy that removes the root cause of pimples, boils and acne and adds a healthy glow to your face. Rakta Doshantak being a natural diuretic, it facilitates the function of the Kidney and can be given as an adjuvant in treatment in mild and moderate hypertension.


Each 10 ml contains extracts of :

Common name Quantity
Hemidesmus Indicus (Anantmul) 185 mg
Rubia Cordifolia (Manjistha) 92 mg
Coriandrum Sativum (Dhania) 92 mg
Ipomoea Turpethum (Nishottar) 92 mg
Berberis Aristata (Daruhalad) 92 mg
Pinus Deodara (Deodar) 92 mg
Tribulus Terrestris (Gokhuru) 92 mg
Smilax China (Chopchini) 92 mg
Garcinia Pictoria (Revachini) 92 mg
Self generated alcohol not more than
10% v/v


1 teaspoon twice a day after meals.

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