Clinical Significance
- Gut Reliever capsules are prepared with natural ingredients which helps to relieve constipation, gastric acidity, colic pain & other abdominal discomforts.
- Each herb is carefully selected for its digestive properties, working synergistically to provide effective relief from discomfort. These capsules help to make your digestive system work smoothly and promote regular bowel movements.
- Gut Reliever Capsules play a vital role in enhancing gastrointestinal well-being by naturally cleansing the walls of the intestines. This cleansing action not only supports the efficient absorption of nutrients from your food but also facilitates the smooth passage of stool, contributing to overall digestive comfort.
- The Dravyas Haritaki and Trivrit help in irritating the gut and emptying of the bowel by the virtue of Vatanulomana and Rechana property. Yastimadhu soothes the Koshta and balances the Pittadosha by its Vata-Pittahara property. Shunti and Mishi help in Agnideepana- Amapachanacorrecting the digestive issues. Swarnapatri is Pittashodhaka and Vatanulomaka, along with Virechana property cleanses the Gut and corrects the metabolism. Indravaruni is potent Virechaka whereas Gulab pacifies Pitta. Overall the dravyas help in Vatanulomana, Agnideepana and Amapachana along with Rechana. Vatahara property of drugs pacifies Shoola and tackles any pain discomfort. Rasayana property strengthens the Gut and Deepana facilitates quicker absorption of nutrients.