Clinical Significance
- These drugs mainly contain Rasayana, Balya, Hrudya properties which mainly acts on improvement of overall health as well as Ojovardhaka. Ojas is responsible for providing innate immunity to counteract the diseases, thus Rasayana activity proves beneficial.Ashwagandha is Balya, Deepana, Rasayana, Raktashodhaka, Brimhaneeya dravya-these properties help in enhancing the body metabolism, remove toxins from the body and nourish Srotas to improve the absorption of nutrients as well as increase the immunity. Raktashodhaka property helps in removing Dosha from Rakta which in turn nourishes the Dhatus.
- Guduchi, Pippali and Shunti have similar properties of Deepana, Pachana, and Rasayana. Yastimadhu is Rasayana, Tridoshahara, Balakara, Kshayahara- these properties account for the overall immunity boosting activity of the compound. Deepana, Pachana karma acts on Agnidushti to eradicate Ama from the body thus detoxifying the body, thus improving the ability of body defense mechanism by Balakara action.