Smuthylax Capsules

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  • Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Flatulence
  • Piles

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Clinical Significance

  • Anulomana, Rechana, Bhedana, Sramsana properties of drugs mainly act upon the Gut/ Annavahasrotas. These properties help in clearing the gut and relieving the constipation and associated symptoms. Haritaki is Anulomana, Lekhana, Deepana, Tridoshahara which expels out the Mala – Srotoshodhana, Deepana enhances Gut metabolism, thus regulating the proper excretory mechanism; Tridoshahara property mainly checks on the Vatagati and Pitta-Kaphakarma. Mishi is Deepaka, Pachaka, Pittashodhaka and Vatanulomaka cleanses the Jatara, thus regulating the function of Apana Vata. Swarnapatri is Sukha Virechaka. Peetamoola is Mrudurechaka,
  • Agnideepaka. Yastimadhu is Vatapittahara and Rechaka. Jayapala is Rechaka, which increases the peristalsis of bowel and evacuates the bowel. Eranda is Rechaka, Bhedaneeya due to Teekshna Guna. Overall all the drugs clarify the Gut to remove Srotodushti and strengthen the Koshta by Rasayana action. Rechana Karma mainly helps in removal of solidified Mala due to Vatavruddhi thus easing the excretion of Mala.


  • Improves intestinal peristalsis.
  • It has natural laxative action for indigestion and flatulence.
  • Reduces excessive stomach acidity.
  • Therapeutic use for constipation and improves liver function for its enzyme secretion.
  • Non habit forming.


Ingredient Botanical Name Part Used Quantity
Haritaki Terminalia chebula Fruit 50 mg
Mishi Foeniculum vulgare Fruit 50 mg
Swarnapatri Cassia angustifolia Leaf 50 mg
Peetamoola Rheum emodi Root 50 mg
Yastimadhu Glycyrrhiza glabra Root 50 mg
Shuddha Jayapala Croton tiglium Seed 25 mg
Eranda Ricinus communis Seed 25 mg


1-2 tablets T.I.D after food or as directed by the physician.

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